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/tng/ - Tribe Nine General

No.517066454 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My cute boy wife Edition

>Developer Updates

>1.0.10 Summary
Removal of Tension consumption from most cards
Story battle retry with lower difficulty
Dailies and deliveries in menu
Story skip reimplemented
60 FPS on mobile

>Current Rate-Up Character/Tension Card
02/19 - 03/19: The Inquisitive Lady of Literature - Tsuruko Semba
02/19 - 03/19: Innocent Dreams - Add Insult to Injury

>Current Events
02/19 - 03/19: Buffed Characters Campaign (Tsuruko Semba/Hyakuichitaro Senju/Yutaka Gotanda)
02/19 - 03/19: The Monster Within (Chapter 2 Complete Reward)
02/26 - 04/02: Fractal Vise "Favored" (Attack IV+/Maximum HP IV+ Substat Boost)
03/05 - 04/02: PLAY BALL! Ranked Matches

>Current Support Contract (Battle Pass)
02/19 - 04/02: Transmelt (Skins: Yutaka Gotanda/Koishi Kohinata/Tsuruko Semba)

>Official Media
Gameplay Trailer:

>Game Resources

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