The thread you provided from Destiny General (/dg/) on 4chan reflects a mix of frustration, humor, and casual conversation about the state of *Destiny 2*. Here’s a summary of key points discussed:
1. **General Frustration**: Many users express frustration with current gameplay, especially Trials of Osiris, which they feel is overrun with "shitty" teammates and unbalanced matchmaking. There’s a sense that the content, especially Trials, has become stale, and players are feeling burned out.
2. **"It's Over" Meme**: A recurring theme in the thread is the phrase "It's over," referencing various aspects of the game, including guides, updates, and resources. This reflects a pessimistic view of the game’s current state, with players feeling like many features are no longer exciting or are in decline.
3. **Hype and Interest**: Some users mention still playing and finding enjoyment in different aspects of the game, such as experimenting with builds or farming for certain items (e.g., ascendant alloys). However, there’s a noticeable decline in overall hype for the game, with some users expressing indifference or no strong urge to continue playing.
4. **Leaks and Speculation**: There are occasional mentions of leaks, upcoming changes, or updates, though some users are skeptical about these changes, expecting them to not fix the core issues or actually worsen the gameplay experience.
5. **Tiredness with Current Content**: Players express that they are no longer excited about certain content, such as the latest raid or Trials rewards. For some, completing the season’s objectives or getting certain weapons feels like the final nail in the coffin for their interest in the current meta.
In short, the thread showcases a community grappling with burnout, a lack of fresh excitement, and some frustration with ongoing issues in the game, particularly in competitive modes like Trials of Osiris.