>>517099672Damn bro you fucked up with your race choice then. Good luck my dood.
Assuming you just want to run dungeons, weapon skill doesnt matter and you want 5% hit. Get any 2 weapons you can get from dungeons.
First you start with BRD to get some plate gear. Theres some nice tanky helm and legs, if you get lucky with SGC and or hoj ts good. You wouldnt need to farm BRD too much. Just clear it few times, do all quests etc.
Then you go to strat UD until you have everything from there. You want the cape from rare (for dps you also want the cape from baron so roll on it), the legs from baron, for the weapons dagger from baron and axe from maleki is nice, xbow is nice too. You also want the tank ring.
Strat live doesnt offer much, but the last boss has nice helmet (the mail one).
You can also start running DME runs for the bow.
Do quests for LBRS and also run some LBRS. It doenst have much loot, if you get xbow its nice but bow from DME drops way more often. You would want to do the quest so you can kill rend and get the trinket.
Start running scholo. You want T0 boots but also mail boots with 1% hit. T0 head is nice to have too.
After you get most of your hear here, you can now do DMW. You want the legs with 1% crit, dagger is nice too. It drops quickly so you will be done fast with it.
You can now run some tributes but try to always kill Kromkrush for daggers belt. Get ring and belt.
Get UBRS whenever you can as theres many upgrades there. Full runs especially for shield, T0 chest, crit ring and hit belt.