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Official S4 League is back!

No.516528516 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi guys, Valofe took back the licence S4League, they already told the community that it will still be a gatcha but they will not follow the P2W path S4 took previously

A Beta will open probably in April but you can already pre-register yourself. And speaking about that they propose people to share a referal link, so here you go

If you don't know what S4Leeague is:
It's a anime-like F2P PVP TPS with a lot of mobility and few type of game, of course a Team vs Team or a free for all, 1 vs all or "touchdown" that make you try to grab a ball to put it in the enemy camp but the ball drain your energy preventing you to do things like Wall Jumb, dodge, etc. A lot of video are available on Youtube!

Thanks for your attention, and double Thanks to anyone registering itself for the Beta with my link . Cya!