>>516610359There's literally nothing to farm. Pandas is the most freeest addon of them all.
>Levelingsuper quick and comfy. On the way to 90 you will also get enough gold for epic flying so you won't be gimped once you hit max level.
>Pre-raidYou can spam heroics and get your entire preraid within a day if you are autistic enough. Its super easy.
>DailiesMore of a side content with some small perks. You can grind out golden lotus in a day too and you dont even have to do that because the dailies just give plenty of rep on their own.
>FarmNot necessary at all and is just comfy minigame together with cooking and fishing.
>PvPBgs are fun, getting honor gear is fun and doesnt take that long. Conquest cap is 10 wins a week and you get some from bgs wins too. PvE gear has no impact on PvP so you dont have to be worried about pve andies.
>TimerunsA nice side content that you can finish in a day to unlock your transmog set
>RaidsFun raids with unique mechanics and cool heroic modes (see cum monster). Throne of thunder is amazing. Gearing in raids is easy, no drama at all. Preparation for raids is easy as hell.