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Actual FNaF leak

No.516482545 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Earlier this week this guy (probably Entom) tried making a lame ass leak about a futuristic FNaF thing and how Scott hates Steelwool or some shit

So here's some actual shit

>FNaF has a couple of unannounced projects coming up, one of which should probably be at PAX again this year.

>SOTM is basically going to be the origin of a lot in FNaF, this is one of the only things about the current direction that I feel will get the most backlash.

one thing that guy got right was a game being cancelled, also got one other thing right that I'm hesitant to say because it may be in the new book

The current VR builds have been buggy one of the issues is trying to get a movement mode to not break the game.

ask some questions if you want, idk if anyone will see this lol.