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/nepgen/ - Neptunia and Compile Heart General #1879

No.516316864 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Chou chu' edition

Previous: >>515452390

Upcoming Compile Heart games and release dates:
Hyperdevotion Noire (Switch) - Out now in Japan.
Tokyo Clanpool (Switch/GOG) - Out now in Asia and on GOG (2025 for NA/EU Switch digital release)
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos localization - Out now on PS4/PS5/Switch. Switch version is missing DLC
Touhou Spell Carnival localization - Out Now
Neptunia GameMaker R:Evolution - Out Now Xbox Series and PC (MS Store)
Todokero! Tatakae! Calamity Angels (Summer 2025) - PS4/PS5/Switch/PC
Untitled M2 Shoot'em Up (Summer 2025) - PS4/PS5/Switch
Madou Monogatari 4 - Out Now in Japan PS4/PS5/Switch, Out 2025 in the west
Death End Re;Quest Code Z (PS4/PS5) - TBA 2025. Switch version canceled
Scar-Lead Salvation (PS4/PS5/PC) - May 29 2025, PC and PS4/PS5 versions will launch worldwide same day.
Calamity Angels: Special Delivery (PS4/PS5/Switch) - Summer 2025 for both Japanese and western versions

>Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

>Folder containing all the 4koma and Nepnokai raws:!shkAGDaK!-X8nObRihU5EqP5Zx8yVMA