>>516310731>i could be wrong but i definitely remember getting almost oneshot by a masterstrike when fighting with my visor upI spent most of my gametime wearing a kettle helmet and I can tell you that master strikes only took a sliver out of me, compared to getting one shot frequently when helmet-less.
Granted, losing health rather than just stamina is a MASSIVE lethality increase from enemies, but still I don't feel like I should do so much damage to enemies.
Then again, I have a 200 damage sword and a ton of perks, while they have a 150 damage weapons and no perks (afaik). That alone should make a pretty massive gap in both offense and defense.
Still, it's obnoxious to kill "bosses" faster than random mooks, I'd rather they had given npcs invisible plot helmets. They're already massively wishy washy with realism anyway, they should just go full drama.