>>516273806Lore hasn't mattered since they retconned everything in shadowlands.
It was inevitable that trannies get their grubby fat fingers on everything.
Like, it's not even that they're trans, they're just loser dudes that work on this game that wind up trans due to virginity / I wanna be her mentality.
I believe they're compelled to attempt to write something compelling for the story. All they can manage to do is play lore catch-up, rehash something we've already seen, or do what they do in Hollywood, where they overexplain every little detail (gulp shitto)
Isn't the lore of the Lich King's helmet post-shadowlands that it wasn't actually Nerzhul controlling the Lich King but the Jailer and that Arthas was just one of his top guys?
If I theorycraft enough, I may reach a conclusion where the only point of Shadowlands was to
1. Make a tranny God.
2. Give the Night Elves le new capital.
3. Bring back Ysera because degen tranny weiners went flaccid.
Dragonflight was just so they could explain how visage forms are le-inclusive-face because you could be body type 1 dragon but be body type 2 bloodelf or human female with scabs on your forehead.
This expansion so far is okay and much better than Dragonflight but at the same time, we're in an era of nu-WoW. It will never feel clean again. After the lackeys got caught drinking the fat girl titty juice from the company fridge, they scrambled to scrub every ounce of humanity from this game.
I will say that so far I have enjoyed the patch. I haven't reached the end of the content because I am waiting for the Darkmoon Faire so I can autistically use the rep buff for my gobbo slop. This is all according to the recommendation of a subhuman french Canadian -Thraun Gaming.
The past few trading posts have been HIV faires, and this is coming from someone who is flamboyantly minded.