>>516056064To speak candidly, as a mere passerby from yesteryear here for a week's stay: The cohesiveness of NEO Summoner's kit feels all over the place to me, at least so far.
The ideas for a flighty, lockdown-focused playstyle are there. Could see this approach for Summoner working as a PvP-exclusive build, actually, if 1v1s were still a thing. Yet outside of our Familiar's CC, the rest of it simply isn't clicking as it should in a PvE environment.
The piddly damage, rather haphazard rotation, very little party utility at the current level cap outside of projectile disruption (which Force Master also brings to the table), et cetera. Evade's strict animation lock is real rough as well, as it prevents Beckon from being cast, so you can't reposition yourself and your Familiar at the same time. Unnecessarily clunky for no good reason.
Plus our intended method of self-sustain, Doom&Bloom, is just bloody awful. Virtually no damage, next to no healing either, and requiring a full four-second, unbroken channel to access Nettles once every ~24 seconds.
The only way you're safely getting it off is during your Familiar's CC combo... Which is also when you'd want your Nettle field to already be active, as enemies can (theoretically) just run outside of it if they aren't pinned-down ahead of time (or snared via Grasping Roots).
All self-healing outside of consumable items is surprisingly weak at the moment, actually, to the point of being an outright negligible usage of your time in battle.
Amethyst gems turned every class into a lifestealing machine past a certain point on the original client (although Huzzah's party heal still remained relevant during dungeons and raids despite this), so maybe the devs are holding back on the absurd amounts of self-recovery for the time being.
It's entire possible - if not quite probable - that these pain points will be addressed in due time. Rather rocky early goings for Summoner as it stands, however.