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>Evocation Festival Part 10:
●February 26 ~ March 12 JST.
▶Welfares: Berserker Paul Bunyan, Caster Martha (Santa), Ruler Iyo and Foreigner Knocknarea are permanently
added to the "Evocation Leaves Exchange" lineup at Da Vinci Workshop.
▶Login Bonus: 600 Evocation Leaves and 10 SQ.
▶Costume for Iyo will be added to Miss Crane's Dress Making.
▶Limited Master Missions: 100 Evocation Leaves, 1 Crystallized Lore, 10 SQ and a commemorative CE.
▶EXP for welfare servants will be doubled when strengthening.
▶Welfare Servants will have 50% increase in attack and 20% more Bond Points after completing any quest.

>Chaldea Boys Collection 2025 pre-campaign:
●Event starts: March 5 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 3 SQ and a Summon Ticket.
▶Also a limited event will be held in conjunction with CBC2025 and the requirement is to clear OC III.

>Chaldea Broadcasting Station Light Edition CBC 2025:
●Wednesday March 5, 19:00 JST.
▶Guest: Kana Ueda (Rin)
▶RT campaign: 14 SQ.

>Ono no Komachi Kokensyou; The Sparkling Lotus Flower of the Second Lunar Month:
●February 12 ~ March 5 JST (3 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 3 Golden Apples and 18 Silver Apples.

>Valentine 2025 PU Summon:
●February 12 ~ March 5 JST.
5*Caster Ono no Komachi (limited)
5*Assassin Osakabehime (permanent)
4*Rider Dobrynya Nikitich (permanent)
▶Every female 5* servant (story locked and permanent) will be on rotation. See link below for schedule.

>Weekly Lancers PU 2 Summon:
●February 24 ~ March 3 JST.
▶Check each PU in the link below.

>Pastebin for utility links: