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/lolg/ league of legends

No.515980120 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Old: >>515881238

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The journey of self-discovery and awakening for individuals like myself is a beautiful and gradual one that's meant to be undertaken with honesty, humility, and love even as we stumble around and rely on the help of others, not this indulgent peacocking and petulant demanding these amoral vultures Vouivre Steel Chenna RR etc continue to debase and make a mockery of our struggles with in every thread while playing the victim anytime their public masturbation is brought attention to so yeah they are absolutely godless whores. I don't intend to "kick the ladder down" for anyone who possesses a pure and yearning heart, only those with ugly spirits colored by hate who I will unrepentantly gatekeep as they continue to do the same for others, and all the people I've ever vilified have inevitably ended up showing their true colors in the end. Besides there aren't even any "eggs" among the people I listed, the closest would be Steel, but his already cracked a while ago, the issue is hers was a premature birth and she remains pitifully confused and under-equipped to face the challenges and questions that lie ahead of him. But I have no sympathy for Steel, and I never will, you don't deserve any