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Project Zomboid General

No.506685589 ViewReplyOriginalReport
B42 is out, I don't see any threads on /v/ or /vg/ about it.

Let's discuss what's good and bad, I'm a 2019 oldgen (back when the game had only 2-3k players at a time online).

To start

Animals exist, you can pick up mice, pet sheep, cows, and chickens, and find wild deer.
Advertising pamphlets add to immersion and are nicely done
Crafting menu is way less laggy and more nice looking.
Modular weapons exist and when some melee weapons break you can visually see it happen (ex, snow shovel breaks into a long broken handle, then a medium broken handle, and a short broken handle)
Music is now not a headache like it was in B41 (constant ramping up when you see 2-3 zombies just led to me turning it off). Remastered Zach Beever songs from b40 are also nice.
Atmospheric noises add to immersion
and probably a bunch more.

Aiming is garbage, the reticle conveys very little info and its very easy to accidentally aim the wrong direction compared to the old aiming outline.
UI sizing is only by font (have to restart game when changing), default UI size feels a bit too big for me and the "small" options for the context menu and inventory are way too small.
New moodles look awful, mods fix this.
Vehicles haven't got any significant improvements yet, waiting for the day when vehicles can actually skid or slip on rainy/icy roads at high speeds or sharp turns. I also dislike that letting go of the throttle makes your character immediately use the brakes and slow down.

What are your OPINIONS so far?
I know muscle strain is disliked by newer players, but i find it manageable and just left it at 0.3. Even with Str 0 you can still reliably kill 5-6 zombies without serious muscle strain.