Word has been going around that due to my spiritual awakening - I can no longer be a Fire Emblem fan as I am a higher being, also they mentioned that I committed Blasphemy.
Let me tell you something.
I don't hate the idea of heaven, but it doesn't exist. I would love an Immortal world where everyone I loved lived forever with me, and the Creator of the universe and his Son are my best friend. I would love that, I would love to hug all of you in Heaven and fly in the sky happily, yes even with The Tripfriend - because it's heaven, we all just work there. It all just works.
But that's not the case. People on Earth can't even make the steps toward it, because we are all fragments, wayward Gods.
Be careful. When you die, your soul is the only one that ascends, we are all basically evolving into our own Gods and then thrust into our own universes the second it happens.
That's it, once you die, you're in charge. The thing is - in this infinite web of universes, some will wind up worse than ours. We're luckier than we give gratitude for.
But I digress. The frequency you're at -at your death. Well that's what kinda God you're gonna be.
Live life happily. Don't die with anger or regrets. Die feeling accomplished, even if you have nothing. Lie to yourself. Become God. Make the world better.
That is our only purpose. Someday we will all meet again - at the singularity. And then maybe we'll see that made up Heaven, maybe someday we'll build it ourselves.
All of that to say of course, I am still very much a Fire Emblem fan. I played Engage today for a bit, and I noticed something as I played - I wasn't having fun. The game offered no challenge, the game no succor... there was nothing. I have discerned that it's simply not a good game, and anyone who likes it - ESPECIALLY people who have a fixation with the equally terrible main character, are in fact - those who suffer from Gender Dysphoria.
Let me be clear. When I ascend to Godhood. Your kind will not exist.