>>503556887have you considered that the game isn't just a small series of raid instances and there's an entire world with quests, adventures and dungeons?
This obsession with what's meta at level 60 is retarded, it doesn't matter, nothing is hard enough to warrant it especially considering crutches like world buffs.
There are guilds out there who will take you anyway, and if there isn't, make one.
>>503557006there are no underperforming classes, each class has a role to play within raids.
'specs' arent a real thing, they are only a thing after Cataclysm.
You are a Paladin. You are not a 'Ret'.
You are a Rogue, you are not Combat'.
You are a Druid, you are not 'Balance'.
You are a Warrior, you are not 'Fury'.
Every class has a place.
>>503557462skinning with tailoring also helps to let you craft the boots which require a few pieces of leather sometimes