>>502872974Warriors are the protagonist of wow. Every other class is a cuck for some lore figure.
Priests? Cucked by Anduin, Alonsus, Tyrande etc.
Paladins? Perhaps the most cucked class with everyone from Turalyon to Uther to Tirion being more important.
Rogues = Lilain, Tess Greymane, Valeera, VanCleef, etc.
Locks = Gul’dan x2, the entire Legion
Huntards = Rexxar
Durids = Malfurion
Death Knights = Arthas, Bolvar, the 4H
Demon Huntards = do I even have to say?
Mages = Jaina, Medivh, Khadgar (lmao you really thought you got Atiesh)
Shamans = Green Jesus
Monk = Irrelevant class that Blizzard forgot about 2 seconds after mop
For Warriors, who is there? Garrosh? Dead. Varian? Dead. There’s literally only Muradin, fucking lol. The player warrior is the strongest, most powerful warrior on Azeroth.