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/esg/ - Eversoul General #109

No.516809139 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have no gems but I must roll edition

[Banner] [3/6] Honglan (Peerless) (new)
[Banner] [3/6] Soonie (rerun)
[Event] [3/6] Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles - Honglan (new)
[Pass] [3/6] Peerless Soul Pass
- Soonie's Heart of a General outfit
- Honglan (Peerless)'s Mountain Refuge
[Content] [3/6] Evil Soul Subjugation - Bloodsoaked Sword Demon Aki
[Content] [3/6] Operation Eden Alliance - Tabria
[Content] [3/6] Tower of Origin - Petra
[x2] [3/5] Dimensional Labyrinth

[Banner] [3/20] Claudia (rerun)
[Banner] [3/24] Talia (rerun)
[Banner] [3/27] Aira (rerun)
[Banner] [3/27] TBA
[Event] [3/20] Maritime Mirth and Mayhem (rerun)
[Event] [3/20] Waving Forest of Monsters mini-game
[Event] [3/27] Climbing King Tower of Origin - Naiah
[Content] [3/13] Guild Raid - Charite
[Content] [3/20] World Boss - Behemoth
[Content] [3/27] Evil Soul Subjugation - Butterfly of an Ominous Dream Naiah
[Content] [3/27] Operation Eden Alliance - Fayren
[x2] [3/19] Champion's Arena

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