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/mvsg/ - MultiVersus General

No.516708229 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Marceline's Fucking Pissed Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>515597759

>Opening Cinematic

>Latest Patch Notes

>MultiVersus Offical Twitter

>What was MultiVersus?
MultiVersus was a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>I heard the game is shutting down?
Yes, Season 5 is the final seasonal content update for MultiVersus. End of service was announced on January 31, with microtransactions also being disabled on that date. The servers will shut down and the game will be delisted from storefronts on May 30. You will still be able to play the game offline locally if you download it and log in before then. More info can be found on the official blog post:

>What are the final characters?
Aquaman and Lola Bunny.

>What platforms was it on?
The game used to be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series consoles. The game had cross-play as well as cross-progression.

>MultiVersus comic (don't click if you don't have an adblocker)

DON'T FORGET!!! Player First Games' death was well deserved, and soon Warner Bros will join them!