They really brought it home, and literally.
That void had some real vibes, but all in all, the heat death does sound pretty boring. Can't say I'm not glad that idea was thrown out in the end.
>that was hardly the actioniest final boss fight we've seen but it had plenty of flashiness and splashinessKinda ponderous, yeah. But in that extreme power level way of everything being just giant special attack spam.
>surprising about no hug, or donutsSeemed like maybe Ophiucus just needs some
space for now.
And the lack of literal donuts seems appropriate with the power of imagination's ultimate victory boiling down to keeping your eye on the donut.
The donut is a beautiful thing.
Much like that episode of Precure.
>>338422Really just a big fan of how that wrapped up. But I am a big sucker for space junk.
Thanks for watching.