Wow , blaster. Another fucking blaster . haha wow what a fun and balances weapon. I love how you dont even have to aim it to kill me, haha, wow you shot in my general direction and killed me and my entire team. Are you in faze clan? It must be so tiring to be so fucking skilled at this children's game. I bet your parents are really proud of you. I bet at family reunions they can't wait to tell their relatives about their amazing blaster main son. Its OK that he's grossly overweight, has poor hygiene and no job, because he's a god tier splatoon player with his fucking blaster. And wow, you even got a new blaster that fixes the only downside of the range, wow, even Nintendo loves you . Nintendo would rather release another fucking blaster instead of hurrying up with the October expansion. I bet you didnt even buy the expansion why would you? Its not ranked where you can pwn scrubs with your leet blaster skills. Wow youre so fucking amazing with how you can meander your squids fat as around, thumb forever pressed forward on the left joycon and finger glued down so hard on the firing trigger that its been permanently fused stuck. AND WIN. wow, go you, you super deserve that S+50. Can't wait to see you in X.