>>175072>h-he actually thinks PCucks are """"gaymers"""Shut the fuck up, which one of you cucks will even be able to fully appreciate the game?
You trashy fucks haven't even played RDR1, like any of you shitheads would understand the significance of Dutch's decent to crazytown, or John finally building his home in the epilogue...etc
Or the significant of meeting Bill, or Javier and Jack marshton.
NOTHING, vast majority of you losers wont be able to appreciate anything unlike us console bros, so I pity you losers.
Even IF, IF you get to play RDR2 all of you will have an inferior experience to us, your quality will be reduced several magnitudes because you all play on an inferior platform, again I truly pity you all.
Also how you feel about something is the important part, the mechanics changing is irrelevant.
This is why games age badly.
Once they were 10/10 and now are unplayable, you pleb.
>>175073>backed offWhat the fuck???
I got banned from resetera for nothing.