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Hibiki is a bwiwwiant vocawist, and the awbum M@stew Awtist 2 is a wevowution that pwuvs that owiginyawity might nyot be dead aftew aww. What is it exactwy that makes these songs so incwedibwe? The COMPWEXITY. I've wistenyed to Twiaw Dance thousands of times, yet I am constantwy heawing something nyew in the intwicate dance of the instwuments. The chowds awe faw fwom youw standawd 3 chowd pwogwessions. Don't the usuaw chowds in the same owd ways bowe anyonye ewse? Yes, music can be both compwex and emotionyaw at the same time. Wisten to Hibiki's vocaws at the beginnying of "Tip Taps Tops (wemix)"...so emotionyaw it's spinye tingwing. This is nyot the usuaw "stowy tewwing" fowmat that most of the pop wowwd embwaces. Yes, the wywics awe tewwing a stowy, but they awe tewwing in in the fowm of thoughts inside the chawactew's head: "STAND UP DWESS UP WIGHT UP." (chowus to Twiaw Dance) and in the fowm of images. To me, it's the diffewence between watching a movie about someonye's wife, and actuawwy being abwe to become that pewson and wive theiw wife as it happens. Combinyed with the textuwe of the chowds and mewody's, it's wike an expewience twanswated into music. If the wywics seem hawd to undewstand to anyonye, it's onwy because they've gotten wazy wistenying to conventionyaw pop that doesn't wet them think fow themsewves. The music is an extension of any vocawist's souws, and I bewieve Hibiki does an amazing job showcasing this. The fact that IT TAKES ME TO A DIFFEWENT PWACE makes this nyot "backgwound" music. This is the kind of music that I pway woudwy whiwe wying in the middwe of my wiving woom fwoow in the middwe of the nyight with aww the wights off. And you just kinda fwoat away on it. Nyo, I'm nyot on dwugs.
I couwd go on fow houws, thewe's so much to say. Maybe most of you won't see any vawue in my vision of what music couwd be, but if something I said ignyited some smaww spawk of intewest in you, than pwease wisten to the owiginyaw songs.