>>1855the place was listed as the contact for a mod I was trying to get to work and some part of me decided rather than dropping in for help then leaving instead I'd join and participate some. That was in...September of last year I think so closing in on exactly a year. The people I talk to are something of a split-off from that community at this point, the topics of discussion are hilariously wide in variety and not even all of it is NSFW. Glad to have them because I couldn't even talk or do most of those things outside of that group.
Huh, didn't know that about cigars. Good to know in advance, though that strikes me as odd but then maybe that's why cigarettes exist.
I'm very much not a fan of jobs I have to do in person. If I do, it has to be deliberate and transactional. One of the nice things about working from home is that this kind of contact is very limited. Ultimately though I want to get myself in the position where they don't care as much about how polite I can sound so much as how effective at my role I am. I had from time to time considered trying to get in to an IT position at something like a highschool but its not quite in reach.