>>1689>>1690>>1691Well, damn, sounds like you've put a lot of work in it. Do you do the work yourself? I'm reading up and trying to get more knowledgeable on cars and how they operate and how to fix them. It's something everyone should be familiar with, probably. Have any reference material you could recommend?
Right now I drive a beige 1994 Honda Accord LX, and it's never given me any trouble and it just hit 200,000 miles the other day. Was thinking of giving it to my grandmother and getting something a little newer. My family has an extreme loyalty to Japanese vehicles, so I'll probably try to find another Toyota or Honda. I've heard great things about Subaru Outbacks, though, so if I could get a good deal one one of those, it'd be great. Also want to get a manual transmission. I like to drive 'em.
If I were really rich, I'd want to drive a classic car of some kind, but boomers price them outrageously and they're hard to get parts for.