>>375447>There seems to be a generally accepted way of not caring much about the rapid tech growthSure but I feel as if there is a sort of hidden dread within a lot of people. Many will tell you they are furious about facial recognition cameras in streets and the Government being able to tap into your phone camera, so on and so fourth. Basically the Snowden leaks. However, although many people know that technology is becoming unstable and our personal safety and privacy at risk, nobody wants to do anything; myself included. Why not? Because we are waiting for someone else to. We all await the Greta Thunberg of Digital Privacy, nobody wants to put themselves out there.
Data is seriously profitable, it is so valuable this day and age. Cookies and trackers are very basic but everything can be sold so companies so they can sell more stuff to us and find their audience. Many online platforms make a massive chunk of their profit from data sales.
It's only going to get more out of hand, such as Ancestry companies selling data about your genetics to pharmacies so they can sell you more fitting drugs for genetic conditions you may have. Or your phone location/facial recognition cameras selling data of shops and places you frequent.
>>375448Well I do still agree with your idea of Capitalism being able to really build economies and bring jobs and make massive opportunities for people. I'm gonna sleep now but I wish to leave you with two videos you might like:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIuaW9YWqEUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSQgCy_iIccThey're a bit basic and vague at some points but they are in general really good for getting an understanding on the ideas behind these ideologies and where they came from. First one is Capitalism and the second is on Marx.
Consider what affect Capitalism could have on other people such as those in Vietnam and India, where our Western economies have basically been exported to. The workers get paid in nails and peanuts while they produce all of the material goods which we consume on a daily basis. How is it fair on their lifestyle?
For example Tesla make nice cars for us to drive but workers in Africa are exploited into dangerous Cobalt mines for the resources and their land is ruined while we just get some fancy cars.
Remember something for the capitalism video, something he says is very important and it is about religion; "People begin to see God as liking people who can manage a business more than warriors or monks."
Not an exact quote but along the lines of that. I feel like one reason why sub-saharan Africa is held back in terms of national development is religious. They believe that life is their trial and if they will live peacefully in heaven they should just accept what little they have here on Earth, rather than try to get out of their situation and live for themselves a little.
Oh well, just my take on it, you can see it how you want.