Been spending so much time messing with Space Engine, I wonder how many hours I have on it at this point, though its not a game per se.
>>1811well truth be told if there's a path that should be thanked, its my.imoutobooru where I learned the most basic of basics in server...things while setting it up, then stumbling across fuuka. Weird how those things go.
Why someone would focus on the board is beyond me. Meh, I can see some fun in it, just not on a board with another purpose entirely.
As for debating, I've got one friend who I could debate with or who is generally open to, but we have such different areas of interest that there's no real room to debate. He's exceptionally well versed in history and government while I'm not so conversations kind of end up onesided there, and my fields of interest are almost purely within the STEM fields, so same situation there. Maybe I should go take a look at flatearthsociety or something, not that I believe a lick of what is said there, but I've heard there were some interesting arguments posed there.
/wsr/ was fast for about a month until people got board of it being a new board. Its got a decent place unlike /film/ and /con/ which ended up being nothing but shitposts until they were closed again.
Also I remember when that image of Hong was first posted, gotta save that.